
15112 (S13) Term Project: Herd Run

This is my term project for 15112 @ CMU. I used python 2.7.2 and pygame 1.9.2 to create Herd Run, a fun action game with strategic elements mixed in! The goal is to reach the next point goal in order to move on to the next level. Points are earned by dropping cows into a pen area.

UI, images, and sound effects by me! This project took ~50-60 hours.
Music > Bits of Happiness: Andersson187 @ Newgrounds (licensed under CC)

Thank you for watching!

1/15/14: I've uploaded my project to github! https://github.com/angelamuliu


Retrograde - Enemy concepts

At CMU, I'm part of the GCS (game creation society) and currently working on a project called 'Retrograde,' a planned PC platformer themed around going backwards. This guy is a one of many monsters blocking the player from reaching his/her goal! Animated in flash.
Check out these concepts that led to the creation of the lava slug though!