That's why I am excited about our current assignment! In two weeks, I have to organize, design, and code a full website about a fictional exhibition at Miller Gallery about Andy Warhol.
Random trivia of the day: the artist graduated from CMU!
It's been awhile since I've gotten my hands dirty with HTML and CSS (and maybe even Javascript this time) so coding is the challenging part. Designs, however, were quickly finished. I've decided to devote most of my time on this project coding, so there are the only wireframes I'll do. They were all made yesterday, in a matter of a few hours.
I wanted the site to be connected to Andy Warhol from a quick glance. We were given his earlier works to "showcase" in the exhibition however. So there was the issue of a user going to the site and not realizing it is about Andy Warhol.
I solved the issue by making the overall look of the site resemble on of Warhol's most famous works. Do you know which one it is?
Answer: I've uploaded my project to github!