
Crowdsourcing coffee with expressOH!

Senior year at CMU has been crazy - between balancing senior projects, side jobs, research papers, proposals, and graduate school application, I've barely had time to take a step back and reflect on what's going on! Here's one of many projects made this semester. 

expressOH! is an rails application that crowdsources coffee ordering, made in 2 weeks. You can send an order/request for a nearby store, and then someone in line can pick up that request. Delivery would be in person. Both coffee requesters and deliverers can rate each other. The incentive for deliverers would be a small profit - why not if you're in line already?

Screenshots of the developed application

As most hybrid applications I make, it was designed mobile first and the final product is responsive. Here are some shots of what it looks like when viewed on a larger screen.

The biggest challenge for this application was obviously the time frame. This wasn't a hackathon hack, it was a project for a class that demanded that the product fulfill a need, expected user testing, and solid functionality. There were many features that my team (of three - including me) wanted to add such as live location tracking, texting, venmo, and enhanced user rating. But I'm satisfied with what's there - a flexible database allowing easy entering of new locations, user authentication, responsive UI, clean design, and natural interactions. Many of my classmates expressed interest in a fully fledged application as well. There's a lot of ways I can expand on this project, but that'll have to wait after this semester when I'm not so busy! ; )

I both designed and coded a substantial part of the site (front and backend). Here are some shots of the design process:

Initial sketches! I wanted to have buttons that took up the full mobile width - it turned out looking weird and that got scrapped

Hi-fidelity mockups, and other resources! I think the end product got pretty close.